Category: Late Tax Filing Back Taxes

Tax Returns Outstanding: Tax Returns Outstanding & Late Filed Returns. Stop Worrying! Get tax returns up to date!
Backtaxes Owing: Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CRA) Problems. We Can Help.
Bank Account Frozen: We solve Canada Customs and Revenue Agency problems.
Wage Garnishment: You may have received a notice that CRA is going to apply a wage garnishment on your pay cheque.
Help with CRA Audit: Dealing with an audit inquiry from CRA can be a very stressful and a nerve wracking experience.

Is it necessary for me to attend in person?
This isn’t necessary at all. Technology has advanced to the point where we no longer need to spend time travelling, especially when traffic and weather conditions are bad, and can obtain information in a variety of other ways. For example, phone calls, emails, faxes, and regular mail are all acceptable methods of communication. We are currently preparing tax returns and assisting clients with back taxes issues all across Canada, and we welcome new clients. All of this has gone smoothly, and everyone has reaped the benefits.

What specific information do I require?
We have put together a checklist to assist you with your tax preparation. Please see – tax information checklist. For more complicated situations, please contact us by phone or email.
Can you tell me how much you charge?
Providing high-quality service at an affordable price is something we take great pride in. Our customers are extremely satisfied with the service we provide and continue to use us year after year. Our rates are determined by the length of time it takes and the complexity of the process. There are a plethora of factors to consider. It is dependent on whether or not it is a matter of preparing outstanding tax returns or dealing with back taxes. The number of T-slips, the number of medical and charitable contributions, and whether or not there are any rental properties or self-employment income are all factors to consider when preparing tax returns. Because of our knowledge and experience, we are typically able to save our clients more money in taxes than they would have saved if they had gone to another tax preparer instead. The amount of back taxes owed is determined by the circumstances. Give us a call if you want to talk about it. Contact us by phone or email right away!

A personal tax return can be prepared in a short amount of time.
Depending on the circumstances, we can usually have current year tax returns completed within a week of receiving them. We will make certain that your current tax return is prepared in such a way that no penalties or interest are assessed. If there are any issues with the preparation of your tax returns, we will notify you as soon as we are aware of them. Prior year returns are dependent on the information available and the issues that have been resolved.

Who will be in charge of preparing my tax return?
We have a number of professionals on our team with many years of experience in tax return preparation. All returns will be reviewed by a tax accountant with extensive experience in the field.

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Tax Accountant in Edmonton

Introduction: What is a Tax Accountant and What Do They Do? A Tax Accountant is a person who has the skills and experience to handle tax-related matters. They usually have a graduate degree in taxation, accounting, or other related fields. Tax accountants are responsible for understanding the tax implications of an individual's financial transactions and obligations. This includes income taxes, payroll taxes, state taxes, as well as federal and international taxes. There are many types of tax accountants that specialize in specific areas of taxation such as corporate tax accountant or estate planner. However, all are responsible for ensuring that…

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Checklist for preparing for tax filing

Getting organized will save you both time and aggravation in the long run. In addition to saving money, using a tax service will also save you money because you will spend less of the time that your advisor is charging you for, resulting in cheaper fees. Furthermore, when you're well-organized, your tax advisor will be able to devote more time to planning, ensuring that you earn all of the tax benefits that you are entitled to receive. Prepare for tax preparation by using the checklist provided below. Number of social security cards and other personal information T-Slips (Tax Receipts) (T4s,…

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Corporate Accounting in Calgary and Canada

What is corporate accounting in Calgary Alberta and Canada? Corporate Accounting in Calgary are accounting firms or accountants  that goes through the process of preparing financial reports, analyzing data and managing information. The function of a corporate accountant is to ensure that the financial statements are prepared in accordance with the regulations of the Canadian Securities Exchange and other applicable laws. The corporate accountant ensures that all financial transactions, as well as the preparation and presentation of financial reports are carried out correctly and legally. What is a corporate accountant? Corporate Accounting in Calgary – Definition The term “corporate accountant”…

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Accounting and tax preparation services for Canadians and Americans living in Canada and the U.S.

The concept of double taxation in Canada Double taxation is an unfair tax policy for Canadians. It taxes companies twice, once through its shareholders and then again as a Canadian corporation. Double taxation in Canada is something that most people don't even think about. But it's important to know because... Double Taxation Can Be A Real Pain! Let's say you are a Canadian resident and you have an investment income of $10,000 from your stock portfolio. Let's say you also have a house in the United States worth $150,000. In this case, you will pay U.S. tax on the $10,000…

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Alberta Are you late with your personal, small business, corporate income tax, or GST/HST returns filing?

Even if you are years behind on your back taxes or have not filed any taxes in years, your tax situation may not be as dire as you believe it to be at this point. For a reasonable and affordable fee, we bring you (and/or your business) up to date on your late tax filings and assist you in avoiding or reducing personal and/or corporate tax penalties and interest by keeping your tax debt as low as possible. Numerous clients have benefited from our staff's expertise, which includes which includes many individuals who have been with us for many years.…